416-735-0000 / 647-545-6257
First Responders
Course Type
In-Person or Virtual
Day Course
8am - 3pm
2 Breaks + Lunch
Course Notebook
Presentation Deck
Milt Harmelink
Rod Edwards
Please Contact
Law Enforcement
Fire Rescue
Medical Responders
Course Description
This course contains all of the great content from our general Book 7 course; Occupational Health and Safety Act, regulations, human factors, positive guidance, equipment, safety garments and PPE. In addition, we have tailored this course to include First Responder specific typical layouts along with step-by-step setup and takedown and a walk-through of Appendix 1 "Temporary Traffic Control for Unplanned Events". Participants have access to the instructors during and after the class for questions and are strongly encouraged to ask about real-life challenges they face on the job so that we can discuss solutions.
This course has been previously presented at the Ontario Police College and to various Fire Rescue operations.